24 July 2020
Medical Military Ethics Playing Cards now available with smartphone app
The King’s Centre for Military Ethics have developed an app for their highly successful playing cards ethics tool

Following the unprecedented success of the Military and Medical Ethics , a physical deck of cards intended to promote discussion through game play, the centre have developed an innovative app enabling players to use a virtual version of the cards.
The free app contains questions covering a broad range of military medical ethical dilemmas. Aimed at raising ethical awareness, they have been carefully developed by leading researchers and ethicists, in consultation with specialist lawyers and piloted on military focus groups,
Each card suit follows specific medical topics; clubs covers principles of healthcare, spades focuses on relations with patients, hearts entails protection of healthcare personnel, and diamonds deals with teamwork, communication and culture. Each card provides a question/scenario for individual reflection or small group discussions, and includes a web link to the King’s Centre for Military Ethics website providing additional prompts for thought and discussion, explanation and information on supporting reading.
Military Medical Ethics (MME) is a vitally important subject for healthcare practitioners in the Armed Forces. The King’s Centre for Military Ethics has been developing highly successful resources for teaching ethics to military practitioners around the world for the last five years. The aim of the centre is to provide an open access, free, quality, research led online resource that can be used by anyone, anywhere, to foster ethical awareness and help promote effective ethical decision making in military environments.