I’m really excited to see what happens over the next few months. It’s a brilliant opportunity for people from all fields, and levels of expertise - undergraduates regularly attend - to learn about a wave of new ideas that are reshaping music studies.
Dr Gavin Williams, Lecturer in Music
07 March 2023
New season for King's music colloquium
The weekly series held by the Department of Music returns - representing contemporary research within music.

The Department of Music at King’s will be running and facilitating a friendly, weekly colloquium series, representing a broad field of contemporary research in musicology, ethnomusicology and sound studies. This new season of talks for March will feature esteemed colleagues from the world of music studies — that everyone at King’s can enjoy.
Upcoming talks—by Wiebke Thormälen (15 March), Radha Kapuria (22 March), and Amanda Hsieh (29 March)—will explore wide-ranging themes, including the UK culture industry (and the place of music conservatories in it), global histories of opera in Germany and Japan, and the impact of the 1947 Partition on musicians’ lives in India and Pakistan.
Meetings will be held every Wednesday at 4.30pm in the Saint Davids Room (King’s Building, Strand). All are very welcome.
Photo credit: Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash