16 November 2021
Obituaries 2021
Obituaries received from your fellow alumni for the year 2021.

King’s College London
The Revd Canon David Abraham AKC
Theology, 1962
David Allsop
Natural Science, 1977
Roy W Bagwell
History, 1957
The Revd Edward W C Bale AKC
Theology, 1955
Patricia A Barlow
French, 1974
Sian D Beckwitn (née Hughes)
Education, PGCE, 1984
Helen Black (née Broadhurst)
Brian D Bennett
Engineering, 1952
Engineering, Dip Eng, 1952
Dr Peter C Burroughs
History, 1958
History, PhD, 1964
Professor Colin J Bushnell
Mathematics, 1968, PhD, 1972
Geoffrey A Brammall AKC
German with French, 1969
Thomas Cavalier Smith
Biophysics, PhD, 1967
His Honour Derek Clarkson QC
Law, 1950
The Revd William B Cooney AKC
Theology, 1969
Roy A Cheer AKC
Theology, 1986
The Revd. Richard Chown, AKC
Theology, 1954
David A Clark AKC
Theology, 1965
Dr Gerald E Corbett
Chemistry, 1959
Organic Chemistry, PhD, 1962
Eileen C Croucher AKC (née Sutcliffe)
Geography, 1943
Eric Dale
Zoology, 1951
John G Davis
Mechanical Engineering , 1959
James E Davison
Construction Law & Arbitration, MSc, 1999
Edwin R D Deacon
Engineering, 1965
Mechanical Engineering, 1967
John Denton
Electrical Engineering, 1956
Marian Dennehy
Geography, 1975
Stephen J Doggett
Physics with Philosophy of Science, 2002
The Revd Gavin J F Fargus AKC
Theology, 1954
Margaret E D Fitzgerald
Family Therapy Introduction To Practice, PGCert , 2008
Professor Lionel Fry
Physiology, 1954
Bernard A Gee
Engineering, 1962
Education, PGCE, 1963
Peter N G Gill
Education Research
The Revd Roger D W Hawkins AKC
Theology, 1958
Geoffrey D Hillier
Civil Engineering, 1959
David Icke
Theology, 1965
Professor John Illston FKC
Civil Engineering, 1949
Engineering, PhD, 1964
Professor Aubrey D Jenkins
Chemistry, 1948, PhD, 1951, DSc, 1961
Michael D Joyce
Education, PGCE, 1981
John B Kamara
Health Studies, DipHE, 2003
Anthony W Klein
Chemistry, 1961
Margaret N Knight (née Jackson)
Law, 1964
Jill Lister (née Cave-Brown-Cave)
Law, 1957
The Revd Canon Peter A Marshall AKC
Theology, 1958
Dr Simon Meller
Medical Ethics & Law, MA, 2008
The Revd Peter F Murphy
Theology, 1965
Annabel R Pagel (née Tuby)
French, 1958
Geoffrey A Pearce
Geography, 1959
Desmond T C Pollock
Law, 1950
Peter Poole AKC
Physics, 1953
Dr Brian E Price AKC
Geography, 1964
Ronald H Rakusen OBE
Civil Engineering, 1963
The Revd Herbert A Reid AKC
Theology, 1956
Michael A Roche
General , 1968
Mark D Salmon
Education, PGCE, 1992
John Shillaker AKC
Theology, 1960
John A Smith AKC
Geography, 1952
Dr Emeritus Smith
Philosophy, 1967
Dr Theodore C Stening AKC
Science, 1954
Organic Chemistry, PhD, 1957
Dr Peter Swift
Physics, 1949, MSc, 1950, PhD, 1953
Anthony I Thompson
Chemical Engineering, PGDip, 1955
Nigel Thornley
Electrical Engineering, 1973
Harriet A Topping (née King)
Chemistry & Physics, 1966
Dr John Welford AKC
Physics, 1953
Education, PGCE, 1954
Richard C Wassell
French, 1970
Dr John Welford AKC
Physics, 1953
Education, PGCE, 1954
Roger D J Wheale MBE
Classics, 1960
Education, PGCE, 1961
Professor Lewis Wolpert CBE FKC
Zoology, PhD, 1961
King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry
Paul P Coffey
Medicine, 1975
Professor Lionel Fry
Medicine, 1965
Dr Richard C Hamber
Medicine, 1955
Dr Vincent L C Liu
Medicine, 1973
Michael K Mason
Medicine, 1950
J A Packham (née Fairhurst)
Frederick J Roberts AKC
Medicine, 1956
Ken Thomas
Medicine, 1959
Anthony H Atkinson
Medicine, 1955
Anaesthetics, DObst, 1959
Laetitia M Brocklebank (née Finlay)
Dentistry, 1975
Christopher C Bull
Medicine, 1952
Stanley Cooke
Medicine, 1957
John C Cranfield
Dentistry, 1954
Ian N Garside
Dentistry, 1962
Anthony G Hitchcock
Dentistry, 1955
Joseph M Holmes
Medicine, 1947
Edward O James
Dentistry, 1955
John Neave
Dentistry, 1956
Millicent J Pentney (née Craker)
Medicine, 1952
Benjamin J Silkoff
Medicine, 1948
Frank M Sullivan
Professor Richard H R White
Medicine, 1950
St Thomas’s
Elizabeth F Sears
Medicine, 1976
Graham E Sayce
Medicine, 1950
James C L Rawes
Medicine, 1954
John C Willan
Medicine, 1954
Richard G S Mills
Medicine, 1968
Alison M Humphrey
Medicine, 1976
Queen Elizabeth College
Jeffrey P Herneman
Shirley P Gilpin
Dietetics, Diploma (Postgraduate), 1945
Royal Dental Hospital
J Mary Clark (née Wardle)
Dentistry, 1946
Prof. John Harold Jones
Dentistry, 1962