It was a great opportunity to talk with scholars and regulators about the future of digital policymaking in the wonderful atmosphere of the European University Institute.
Matteo Nebbiai
16 April 2024
PhD student secures top prize for paper
An academic paper authored by a King’s PhD student was awarded a prize at an international conference.

Matteo Nebbiai, a member of the Department of Political Economy, received the Best Junior Paper Award at the Regulators and Regulation in the Digital Era conference held in Italy earlier this month.
The two-day conference brought together leading scholars working on EU regulation and policy, offering the opportunity for delegates to discuss more than 40 academic papers and research in the area. A keynote address was delivered by Professor Helga Nowotny (ETH Zurich) before a roundtable session was held with regulators working for agencies including Ofcom, the Dutch Data Protection Authority and the European Commission.
Matteo’s paper was entitled Digital Baptists and Bootleggers? The Politics of Data Sharing in the EU. In it, Matteo attempted to reconstruct the lobbying and influence of various stakeholders behind the recent adoption of the European Union's Data Act.
“I want to thank the Centre for a Digital Society for the Award, it further motivates me to investigate the politics behind the global explosion of digital regulation.”
You can find out more about the conference here.