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12 May 2020

Podcast takes fresh look at big political issues

The story of immigration past and present was in focus as a new podcast based in the department, Politics JaM, made its debut.

The Politics JaM podcast
The Politics JaM podcast

PhD candidates Jeevun Sandher and Michael Bankole launched Politics JaM, a podcast that takes an in-depth look at topics and the week’s news through a political scientist’s lens, on 7 May.

The pair centred the first episode on the UK and its relationship with immigration, from the post-war years right through to the ‘hostile environment’ and the new points-based system being mooted by the government.

There are nods to Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May and even Gillian Duffy in the episode, and Brexit makes an appearance too.

Politics JaM is available on iTunes and Spotify now.

Jeevun and Michael, who study in the Department of Political Economy, also touch on the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and end with a jam of the week recommendation, a song the pair encourage their audience to listen to..

The first episode, The Ups and Downs of Immigration and This Lockdown Life, is available on Spotify and iTunes.

In this story

Michael Bankole

PhD Candidate