21 June 2022
Prestigious awards for academic's research papers
Research papers presented by a King’s academic have received several prestigious awards.

Dr Tugba Bozcaga, a member of the Department of European and International Studies, has received awards from both the American Political Science Association (APSA) and the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) in recognition of her research.
The APSA handed Dr Bozcaga an Honourable Mention in the McGillivray Best Paper (best paper in political economy) category for her paper Members of the Same Club: Subnational Variations in Electoral Returns to Public Goods.
And, at the MPSA conference in May, Dr Bozcaga received the Pi Sigma Alpha Award (best paper presented at the conference), the Kenneth J. Meier Award (best paper in bureaucratic politics, public administration, or public policy) and the Best Paper by an Emerging Scholar Award.
The three awards were given for Dr Bozcaga’s paper titled the Social Bureaucrat: How Social Proximity among Bureaucrats Affects Local Governance.