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09 March 2023

Radical approaches to safeguarding & homelessness

Gill Taylor discussed the principles behind the toolkit she is developing

Wooden steps in a green landscape leading off up into the distance

Over 200 participants joined an HSCWRU webinar today to hear and discuss ‘Radical approaches to safeguarding & homelessness’.

Gill Taylor, Assistant Director of Communities and Housing Support at the London Borough of Haringey, explored how ‘radical’ perspectives from social justice movements have shaped homelessness and social care practice, and considered the themes of power, solidarity, accountability and autonomy. She outlined the progress of a lived-experience led project to develop a Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit, which will be finalised in 2023 and launched with a roadshow including a follow-up HSCWRU webinar.

Questions and comments from participants included reflections from practice across health, adult social care and homelessness provider sector organisations.

The slides are available on the event webpage.

...illuminating and thought provoking presentation. Lots to take away - thank you for your insight.

Participant at the webinar

Coming up

The next webinar deriving from recent Unit work on homelessness, self-neglect and safeguarding will present findings from the lived experience study interviews on 25 April 2023. It is open to all.

In this story

Jess Harris

Research Fellow