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21 May 2021

Researchers will examine attitudes to volunteering

New research which will explore ways to encourage volunteering in London is being led by an academic from the School of Politics and Economics.

The London Assembly is based at City Hall.

Professor Peter John, who is head of the school, will be working with research specialists Social Engine to improve the way the Greater London Authority supports volunteering in the capital.

As part of the work, researchers are keen to hear views of residents, both volunteers and non-volunteers. This will involve answering a few questions. The findings from the survey will be used solely for the purposes of conducting the research and no other purpose. Responses will be fully anonymised and participants will not be identified either within the research or reporting of the research findings.

To find out more about the research and how to take part, visit: 

In this story

Peter John

Head of the School of Politics and Economics and Professor of Public Policy