18 May 2020
Riya Shah shares the final creative prompt of #TakeTimeIn
Amy Brown, Projects Manager - Student Engagement, Culture
KCLSU Postive Peer shares her creative prompt to encourage #KingsCulturalCommunity to #TakeTimeIn for their wellbeing
Until the 22 May, Make Do Play will be collaborating with Take Time In, your new online wellbeing space, to bring you creative prompts from staff and students, online sessions and to give you the opportunity to win creative prizes!
This week's creative prompt comes to you from Riya Shah, Positive Peer and fourth-year MBBS Medicine student.
The Positive peers will be running two sessions on Thriving this week and, in honour of the final week of #TakeTimeIn, giving away £10 amazon vouchers to anyone who shares their response to this prompt (see below for how to enter).
Story time 📚
This week we are going to create our own short stories and get those creative juices flowing! You can write, record, draw, or even lay back on your pillow and just imagine this story as it plays out in your imagination.
1) Randomly select a prompt from the list below, using this online generator or just choose one that tickles your brain and gets you inspired. Some of the prompts are thought-provoking, some introspective, and some downright wacky.
2) Give yourself some quiet time, maybe just 15 minutes, maybe an hour. Set pen to paper, voice to a microphone, or head to the pillow and start weaving your story.
3) If you want, do this with a friend/family member! It’s fun for all ages. Most importantly, remember to let loose, stay in the moment, and enjoy wherever your imagination may take you…onwards and upwards!
4) After you have finished writing, take a minute to pause and reflect on the process, did you manage to lose yourself in the story or did your mind wander to other things? Did it feel like the time went quickly or stretched long? Did you have fun? Do you like what you have written?
Share your writing or your reflections on it to win a prize #TakeTimeInKCL
In honour of the final week of #TakeTimeInKCL we will be rewarding anyone who submits a response to a prompt with a £10 Amazon voucher. Share your response to the prompt with @CulturalKings or @KCLSU on Instagram or Twitter with the #TakeTimeInKcl to enter. If you don't want to share your work itself, why not let us know what you enjoyed about the prompt?
Creative writing suggestions:
Disclaimer: these prompts have been collated from friends and the wonderful wide web- thank you to all those who have come up with these prompts!
Want more? - Join the Positive Peers for two sessions designed to help explore different aspects of what good wellbeing and self-care look like for you. Thrive: Self-care and Time Management | 18 May | 18:00 & Thrive: Stress and Setbacks | 20 May | 18:00
Explore the prompt archive and sign up to receive future challenges straight into your inbox
Make Do Play is an annual programme which encourages staff and students in the #KingsCulturalCommunity to take part in creative activities for their wellbeing. With many people spending increasingly more time at home, physically distanced or in isolation, keeping active, connected and stimulated is high on everyone's agenda. While in-person activities may have stopped, for the time being, our regular creative prompts are still carrying on, challenging the #KingsCulturalCommunity to take time out during the week to engage in creative activities. Prompts are designed for staff and students of all abilities and can be done with regular household items.