10 May 2023
Safeguarding, self-neglect and homelessness – discussing findings in Bristol
Jess Harris was invited to speak with Bristol adult safeguarding and homelessness teams
The NIHR-funded ConnectED project, which connects research with decision-making in Adult Care, invited Jess Harris to Bristol to discuss emerging findings and practice implications from the Unit’s NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR) funded Adult safeguarding, homelessness and self-neglect study with the local authority’s Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness teams.
Among the feedback from participants we received: ‘that was great! It’s good to start the conversation’ and ‘really helpful and valuable work’. One Safeguarding practitioner, who also recently attended the study’s webinar on Lived Experience perspectives, said they had found the learning useful to challenge practice approaches that were not meeting the needs of someone: ‘both trainings have also contributed to a broader understanding for me of what may be happening for people … I was able to consider and advocate’.
Presentations from the study are available on the Unit’s Homelessness event series webpage, alongside details of forthcoming events.