It is truly an honour to receive the hidden REF award. This achievement is the result of the hard work, dedication and creativity of an amazing team – every person involved in myHealthE brought their unique expertise and passion and we’re proud of what we have accomplished together. This award is a celebration of our collective effort.
Sarjhana Brindha, CAMHS Digital Lab, King’s College London, myHealthE
18 December 2024
Sarjhana Brindha from CAMHS Digital Lab wins Applications of Research at 2024 Hidden REF Awards
Sarjhana was presented with the award for devices, products, interventions and other tools and guidance for her work as part of myHealthE.

The Hidden REF was launched to raise awareness of the research outputs and roles that are vital to research but overlooked by traditional research evaluation. It was designed to build a more effective and more equitable system for recognising contributions to research success. The awards were announced on 29 November in an online ceremony, available to watch here.
Sarjhana is a Clinical Informatician at the CAMHS Digital Lab. She supports the team by producing clinically driven extracts, developing reports and dashboards, and performing data analysis.
myHealthE is a secure online portal for families accessing their local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), developed by the CAMHS Digital Lab, part of the School of Academic Psychiatry at the IoPPN alongside colleagues at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Caregivers are automatically invited to enroll on the platform at the point that they are accepted onto the CAMHS waiting list and currently over 80% of those invited have signed up. Once enrolled, caregivers have access to a personalised space dedicated to their child’s care. Sarjhana’s work on myHealthE ensured a secure infrastructure, without which the platform and its impact would not be possible. More information about myHealthE can be found at this video.
Sarjhana’s hard work and insight has been essential to the development and implementation of myHealthE into clinical services. Because of her work, our platform can communicate efficiently and securely with other health platforms, as well as provide clinicians with information to support enhanced clinical decision making. We’re delighted that Hidden REF means Sarjhana’s work, which isn’t always visible to the outside, is getting recognition.
Craig Colling, Co-Lead at CAMHS Digital Lab and CAMHS Informatics Lead at South London and Maudsley NHS Trust