30 October 2017
Stories in Sound: A Project Joining Worlds
Interested in journalism as a career? Radio Voz are looking for surprising, moving, stories about speakers of Portuguese or Spanish in the UK.

Interested in journalism as a career? We are looking for surprising, moving, stories about speakers of Portuguese or Spanish in the UK. What brings them here? Be the person to identify a good story, find an interviewee, and produce a radio programme and other materials that will tell their stories in a compelling way. You will work in collaboration with the SPLAS department, Language Acts and World Making (languageacts.org) and KCL Radio. You will get training in radio production and media presentation. Expenses will be reimbursed. If you are interested in producing a story for RadioVoz you can send your pitch telling us why we should choose you (500 words max) to elisa.sampsonvt@kcl.ac.uk by 17th November 2017.
Please see the flyer for more details.
(Aug 2022 - The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies is now the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures).