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24 November 2023

Students quiz MPs during visit to Houses of Parliament

Students were given the opportunity to quiz MPs during a trip to the Houses of Parliament.

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A group of more than 90 students from the Department of European and International Studies and the Department of Political Economy were invited to tour parliament in Westminster on 23 November.

During the visit, the students were also able to put questions about politics and the political process to a group of elected members from across the political spectrum. Those in attendance included Lord Norton, Baroness Garden, Baroness Featherstone, Lord Collins, Lord Whitty and Lord Lisvane from the House of Lords.

Students were invited to a committee room in the House of Commons. Picture: SPE

Members of the House of Commons - Kirsty Blackman, Charlotte Nichols, Robert Halfon, and Ben Lake - also attended and spoke with students.

Topics covered included the return of David Cameron to front line politics, the COVID inquiry, devolution and the impact of public opinion on policy.

Accompanying students on the day were Professor Peter John, Dr Connie Woollen and Petr Svoren.

MP Robert Halfon spoke to students and answered questions. Picture: SPE

In this story

Peter John

Head of the School of Politics and Economics and Professor of Public Policy