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19 November 2021

Students quiz politicians at special online event

Students were given the chance to question a group of MPs and peers at an event organised by the School of Politics and Economics (SPE).

Online events
The event was hosted online. Picture: STOCK IMAGE

Chaired by the head of SPE, Professor Peter John, the event took place on 17 November and saw a group of seven politicians from across the political spectrum answer questions from students attending British politics courses.

Attending the event were Helen Hayes MP (Lab), Neil Coyle MP (Lab), Lord Lisvane (crossbench), Alan Whitehead MP (Lab), Chris Skidmore MP (Con), Maria Miller MP (Con), and Baroness Redfern (Con).

Students asked a variety of questions about constitutional reform, referendums, specialists versus generalists, and the role of the print media. The session was organised by graduate teaching assistants Connie Wollen, Mitya Pearson, and Stuart Smedley.

The politicians spoke to students studying in the School of Politics and Economics. Picture: SPE

In this story

Peter John

Head of the School of Politics and Economics and Professor of Public Policy