30 January 2018
Three new posts in GHSM
We are delighted to announce that there are now three new posts in the Department for Global Health & Social Medicine: one Reader in Global Health and/or Social Medicine, one Senior Lecturer in Global Heath and/or Social Medicine, and one Lecturer in Global Mental Health.
We are delighted to announce that there are now three new posts in the Department for Global Health & Social Medicine: One Reader in Global Health and/or Social Medicine, One Senior Lecturer in Global Heath and/or Social Medicine, and one Lecturer in Global Mental Health. These posts reflect the strong support for the Department’s work at King’s and will enable us to ensure our position as a world leading research and teaching Department. The links to the posts are provided below:
- For the post of Reader in Global Health and/or Social Medicine we are seeking to recruit a dynamic international leader with an outstanding profile in his/her area of expertise. He/she will be expected to strengthen the Department’s research capacity by establishing and leading a research group that complements or extends those in the Department. Applications are particularly sought from those with expertise in the social, ethical and/or legal dimensions of developments in health and biomedicine. For more information please see here.
- For the post of Senior Lecturer in Global Health and/or Social Medicine we are seeking applicants with an outstanding track-record of research, publications and external funding relative to career stage. He/she will also be expected to strengthen the Department’s research capacity by establishing and leading a research group that complements or extends those in the Department. Applications are particularly sought from those whose work contributes to strengthening the Department’s growing portfolio of work on critical approaches to global health initiatives in Africa. For more details please see here.
- For the position of Lecturer in Global Mental Health the Department invites applications from sociologists, anthropologists or others with relevant expertise and with a specific focus on the social and cultural determinants of mental ill health in low and middle income countries. The successful candidate will be expected to strengthen the Department’s contributions to the new Centre for Society and Mental Health which will be launched in the Spring. More information can be found here.