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30 June 2020

TOBeATPAIN Journal Club

The TOBEatPAIN research group have been running a series of online seminars where journals are presented and discussed


Tim Lawn

On the 30th June Tim Lawn presented  a paper on the ‘Effects of open-label placebo on pain, functional disability and spine mobility in patients with chronic back pain: a randomised controlled trial’ by Julia Kleine Borkmann, Katharina Schmidt, Andreas Hellmann and Ulrike Bingel.

Silvia Fanton

‘From static to temporal network theory: Applications to functional brain connectivity’ by Thompson et al., 2017.  Silvia Fanton chose this article for discussion as she will be applying temporal network theory to fMRI data in her investigation of pain processing in rheumatoid arthritis.  This was one of the sessions of a Virtual Journal Club on Statistics and Neuroimaging Techniques she is one of the organisers of – to know more about the initiative, visit our Research Blog page.

Review by Cristiana Dumbraveanu

TOBeATPAIN Early Stage Researcher 10

Joana Lama

Joana Lama presented the scientific paper of Yun et al published in Nature Medicine(2019) and entitled ‘Block of A1 astrocyte conversion by microglia is neuroprotective in models of Parkinson’s disease’ on Tuesday 24th March 2020.

Review by Fátima Gimeno Ferrer

TOBeATPAIN Early Stage Researcher 8

George Sideris-Lampretsas

The first TOBeATPAIN E-Seminar took place on Tuesday 18th February in the Project office at King’s College London.