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11 March 2021

Travelling for the Spring break

Latest guidance for students for the Spring break

Travel for Spring break 2021
Travel for Spring break 2021

The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed that those students already at their term-time address will be able to travel to their non-term address for the Spring break (1 April to 25 April at King’s) if they choose to do so and as long as international travel restrictions allow. The government strongly advises, however, that students should remain in their term-time address wherever possible in order to reduce the virus transmission risks of travel.

Please read the Coronavirus Travel Advice on the government website before you travel.

Travelling internationally

If you are planning to travel overseas for the Spring break there are some things you need to do before you travel and when you return to the UK:

Please see Student Services Online for information on travelling abroad and what you’ll need to do when you return to the UK.

Travelling back to university

  • Only British or Irish Nationals or individuals with residence rights in the UK will be able to enter the UK if they have been in or through ared list’ country in the previous 10 days. Non-UK residents will be denied entry to the UK if they have been in or through a red list country.

  • UK residents returning from a ‘red list’ country, will have to pay up to £1700 for your stay in a government approved quarantine hotel. You will not be able to use the Test to Release scheme to reduce your quarantine period.

  • If the country you are returning from is not on the ‘red list’, you will need to quarantine for 10 days at your term-time address. You will be able to use the Test to release scheme and will be able to claim a contribution of up to £100 towards the cost. Information on how to claim is available on Student Services Online.

  • If you are returning from another UK address, you will need to take a COVID test at your local community testing centre before travelling back to your term-time address.

Staying in London for the Spring break

  • You will be able to use the informal and bookable study spaces on campus. The opening hours of campus facilities are available on Student Services Online.

  • Always follow the health and safety guidance when you are on campus and in our residences; stay a safe a distance from others, wear a face covering unless exempt, wash your hands regularly and take regular COVID tests.

Please contact Student Services if you have any questions.