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02 September 2019

Welcome to the School of Politics and Economics!

We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the School of Politics and Economics!

We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the School of Politics and Economics!

We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the School of Politics and Economics. You are joining a unique interdisciplinary School committed to bringing the study of British, European and International politics and economics closer together. We are also a growing and dynamic community – with new academics hired over the summer period to help deliver our commitment to a research-led teaching experience for all our students. We are delighted that you have chosen to study with us and look forward to meeting you very soon.

Welcome Week Timetables

Welcome Week will take place between 16-20 September 2019 and teaching will begin on Monday 23 September. During Welcome Week it is compulsory for you to attend your departmental induction events and collect your student ID card. There are also plenty of Welcome events happening all week both within and outside the School which aim to get you started and give you a taste of life as a King’s student.

The Welcome to King’s App (downloaded via this link or through your app store) is the main hub for all induction activity during Welcome Week. You can use the app to find out information about your academic induction, book onto an ID Card collection slot and register for social events and activities.

Important: Allow push notifications on the mobile app as we’ll be sending out important messages throughout September.


King's Email

If you haven't already, you should soon receive an email to set up your IT account and King's email address. 

It is important that you check your King's email regularly as this is the address your department will use to contact you with information about your degree programme, careers events, activities and more. Add the account to your mobile app of choice and get emails straight to your phone!


Reading Lists

The links below give some suggestions for preliminary reading you can do before teaching begins. The primary reading for each module will be included in a module outline at the beginning of the first semester, but the books listed below are useful and comprehensive introductions to the topics covered within our programmes.

You do not necessarily need to buy these books, a limited number of copies should be available in the library. 

Department of Political Economy:

Undergraduate students: find your preliminary reading list here. BSc Economics students can find preliminary reading here

Postgraduate students: find your preliminary reading list here.

European and International Studies:

Undergraduate students: find your preliminary reading list here 

Postgraduate students: find your preliminary reading list here

Important information for students on the MA Political Economy programme

Students on the MA Political Economy programme will have compulsory classes during Welcome Week (Monday 16-Friday 20 September). Please be aware these sessions are compulsory and a pre-requisite for the course. 

Find out more information here

FREE Welcome Week Trips

Visit exciting and memorable London attractions and explore the city free of charge during Welcome Week by joining a School of Politics and Economics trip. Events include a trip to the Shard, A Ghost Bus Tour, and visits to the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. Please see the Excursion Guide for further information and to sign up. The trips are for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Departments of Political Economy, European and International Studies and King's Russia Institute only. 

Meet the School Societies

The School of Politics and Economics supports and works closely with several student-run societies at King’s. We encourage students to get involved in the numerous events hosted by our societies and with their publications.

Click here to read more about DPE's student societies.

Click here to read more about EIS's student societies. 

Contact Us

For any education or teaching related queries, please contact:

  • DPE UG queries:
  • DPE PG queries:
  • EIS queries:
  • Russia Institute:

For any non-education queries (i.e. related to Induction Week), please email