Abigail Carter is the YORKshire Screening of URinE (YORKSURE) Clinical Project Manager in the Cancer Prevention Trials Unit, School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences. Abigail oversees all project management activity for YORKSURE, including oversight of study milestones, working with key project stakeholders, vendor management, contracting and budget oversight. Abigail joined King’s in July 2022, following more than 6 years at Queen Mary University of London, where she was Project Lead for a number of CTIMPs including international, randomised, multicentre studies in bladder and breast cancer.
Cancer Prevention Trials Unit
The Cancer Research UK & King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (CPTU), funded by CRUK, specialises in research to advance cancer prevention, early diagnosis and screening
Cancer Prevention Trials Unit
The Cancer Research UK & King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (CPTU), funded by CRUK, specialises in research to advance cancer prevention, early diagnosis and screening