Professor Adam Sutcliffe
Professor of European History
- Co-Director of the Centre for Enlightenment Studies
Research interests
- History
Adam Sutcliffe joined the department in 2005, having started his academic career in the United States, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his BA from Cambridge, his MA from Sussex, and his PhD (1998) from UCL. He has held fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, and the University of Leipzig, and served as Head of the History Department from 2012 to 2016.
Research interests and PhD supervision
- Early modern and modern European Jewish history
- Intellectual and cultural history of the European Enlightenment
- Eighteenth- and early nineteeth-century radical thought
- Historiographical theory and the uses of history
Adam Sutcliffe’s research has focused on in the intellectual history of western Europe between approximately 1650 and 1850, and on the history of Jews, Judaism and Jewish/non-Jewish relations in Europe from 1600 to the present. He is particularly interested in the place of Judaism and Jewish themes in Western thought, on which he has published widely. He has a special interest in the Enlightenment thinkers Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire and Lessing, and in the study of the European Enlightenment more generally. He is also interested in wider questions of religious diversity, toleration and cross-community relations in Europe since the seventeenth century. He has a broad interest in the field of History and Memory, focusing on the uses and significance of the Jewish past, and on the shifting understanding of ideas of empathy, cultural ownership, and collective purpose in historical thought and debate.
He would welcome applications from prospective research students interested in working in any of these areas.
For more details, please see his full research profile.
Adam contributes to the Department’s teaching in early modern European history, the history of political thought, and history and memory. He offers upper-level undergraduate modules on European Jewish history, the history of toleration and human rights and the Enlightenment, and contributes to MA teaching on our Early Modern and Modern History programmes, as well as our interdisciplinary Eighteenth-Century Studies MA and our intercollegiate History of Political Thought and Intellectual History MA.
Expertise and public engagement
Adam has frequently been involved in public engagement and expert media commentary, including radio and television interviews, on issues relating to Jewish history, perceptions of Jews and Judaism, minority communities and migration histories in Britain, and approaches to antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other prejudices.

Centre for Enlightenment Studies
The Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s supports 18th century research strengths across the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Jewish Studies at King's
Jewish Studies at King’s is an interdisciplinary network of students and scholars associated with King’s College London. Our research draws on anthropology, history, linguistics, literary studies, religious studies, sociology and related fields to explore Jewish life from antiquity to the present moment.

History of Political Thought
Collective strength in the history of political thought, united by a shared belief in the power of ideas and texts.
King's academics awarded Leverhulme Research Fellowships
We are delighted to announce three Leverhulme Research Fellowships for Faculty academics and one British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship.

History 5th in the UK in the REF
The Department of History is pleased to announce that it has been ranked 5th in the UK for research quality and 7th in the UK for power in the recent Research...

Top History Unit Moves to King's
The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHoSTM) moves to King's from Imperial College, London.

Dr David Todd awarded Leverhulme Prize
Dr David Todd, Lecturer in World History in the Department of History, has been awarded a 2012 Philip Leverhulme Prize in History.


Centre for Enlightenment Studies
The Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s supports 18th century research strengths across the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Jewish Studies at King's
Jewish Studies at King’s is an interdisciplinary network of students and scholars associated with King’s College London. Our research draws on anthropology, history, linguistics, literary studies, religious studies, sociology and related fields to explore Jewish life from antiquity to the present moment.

History of Political Thought
Collective strength in the history of political thought, united by a shared belief in the power of ideas and texts.
King's academics awarded Leverhulme Research Fellowships
We are delighted to announce three Leverhulme Research Fellowships for Faculty academics and one British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship.

History 5th in the UK in the REF
The Department of History is pleased to announce that it has been ranked 5th in the UK for research quality and 7th in the UK for power in the recent Research...

Top History Unit Moves to King's
The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHoSTM) moves to King's from Imperial College, London.

Dr David Todd awarded Leverhulme Prize
Dr David Todd, Lecturer in World History in the Department of History, has been awarded a 2012 Philip Leverhulme Prize in History.