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Aditi  Puthran

Miss Aditi Puthran

Postgraduate Student - Economics & Finance MSc


"Throughout my professional career in the Fintech industry, I’ve always recognised that there is an urgent need to work towards better financial inclusivity for women which is what motivated me to pursue an MSc in Economics and Finance at King’s College of London. However, while I was thrilled to receive my acceptance letter, I was a little worried about not being able to fully focus on my coursework due to the cost of living crisis and the additional challenge of being diagnosed with Stage-4 endometriosis.

I was incredibly fortunate to have received the prestigious King’s Business School Scholarship. It allowed me to dedicate a hundred per cent of my time towards my academics and prioritising my health. While pursuing the MSc, I was able to research better solutions towards the improvement of women’s financial inclusivity. This culminated into my final dissertation which was based on the utilisation of Fintech to achieve financial inclusion of women in emerging economies. It also enabled me to pursue opportunities outside the classroom. I was able to participate in the Principal's Global Leadership Award programme at the School of Global Affairs and I had even pursued a short performing arts programme at the Soho Theatre, London!

The King's Business School Scholarship programme supported us by forming a peer network of fellow scholars which, in turn, served as an incredible opportunity to make new friends! Additionally, it paved the way for networking sessions with exceptionally talented King’s alumni that included successful med-tech startup founders, women in the Civil Services and bright leaders of the future. It was inspiring to learn from their stories and I benefitted greatly from their mentorship.

I would like to thank the wonderful King's Business School Scholarships Team for such an enriching experience and I am exceedingly grateful to the KCL community for all their love and support. #ForeverKing’s!"