Alan Futerman is a PhD student in political economy at King's College London. He has a BA in Economics from UCEL (Argentina) and a Master's degree in Finance from Torcuato Di Tella University (Argentina). He has been Adjunct Professor of Institutional Economics at UCEL (Argentina), and his work has been published in journals such as International Journal of Finance & Economics, Review of Austrian Economics and Journal of Financial Economic Policy, among others. His work has also been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Jerusalem Post. He co-authored Commodities as an Asset Class (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, with Foreword by John B. Taylor) with Ivo A. Sarjanovic, and The Classical Liberal Case for Israel (Springer, 2021, with commentary by Benjamin Netanyahu) and The Austro-Libertarian Point of View (Springer, 2021, with Foreword by Deirdre N. McCloskey), both with Dr Walter E. Block.
Research interests
- Philosophy of science
- Epistemology
- Methodology
- Philosophy of economics
Doctoral research
Alan’s research deals with epistemology and methodology of economics, with special focus on the problem of scientific explanation in economics. His research purports to identify economics as a (social) science that studies complex phenomena structured as a system, where specific events can be explained only partially, and to show how this perspective is compatible with the approach of a market economy as exposed by Friedrich Hayek and other authors. In turn, this perspective is contrasted with others developed throughout the history of economic ideas in relation to the philosophical movements that shaped them (particularly regarding their methodology and epistemology).
PhD supervisors
Professor Mark Pennington and Professor Paul Lewis
Latest publications
- Futerman, Alan G., & Sarjanovic, Ivo A. 2022. Commodities as an Asset Class: Essays on Inflation, The Paradox of Gold and The Impact of Crypto. Foreword by John B. Taylor.Palgrave ISBN 978-3-031-17399-8.
- Block, Walter E. & Futerman, Alan G. 2021. The Classical Liberal Case for Israel. With Commentary by Benjamin Netanyahu. Springer. ISBN 978-981-16-3952-4.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2021. The Austro-Libertarian Point of View: Essays on Austrian Economics and Libertarianism. Foreword by Deirdre N. McCloskey. Springer. ISBN 978-981-16-4690-4.
- Futerman, Alan G. 2023. Libertarianism as a Path to Life. In: Cavallo, J.A., Block, W.E. (eds) “Libertarian Autobiographies.” Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Villegas, Luciano. An Austrian Critique of the Neoclassical Approach to Indirect Taxes. The Review of Austrian Economics 35, pp. 517-529.
- Futerman, Alan G. 2021. Passive Money System and Control of Exchange Rates: The Case of Argentina 1976-1981. International Journal of Finance & Economics, Vol. 26, Issue 4, October, pp. 5512-5530.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2021. The Harmful Addiction to the War on Drugs. Touro Law Review, Vol. 37: No. 1, Article 3.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2021. A Critique of the Neoclassical Approach to Consumer Choice. Dialogi Polityczne Political Dialogues, No. 30, pp. 201-228.
- Futerman, Alan G.; Barnett II, William, & Block, Walter E. 2020. Austrian Government Cycle Theory. World of Ideas and Politics, Vol. 19, pp. 9-28.
- Block, Walter E., & Futerman, Alan G. 2020. Rejoinder to Miller on Anarcho-capitalism. Quinnipiac Health Law Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-27.
- Tejera, Ariel R., Verón, Leandro A., & Futerman, Alan G. 2020. The ‘Ratchet Effect’ in the Growth of Government: A viable hypothesis for the case of Argentina? MEST Journal, Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 164-175.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2020. An Austrian Critique of the Prebisch-Singer Theory of the Deterioration in the Terms of Trade. The Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 721-735.
- Aguilar, Kevin; Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2020. On Legally Enforced Minimum Wages. MEST Journal, Vol. 8 No. 1 pp. 1-6.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2019. On Taleb on Ricardo: A Clarification. Revista Procesos de Mercado, Revista Europea de Economía Política, Vol. XVI, n.º 2, pp. 81-102, Autumn.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2019. The Fallacy of A Priori Statism. Stetson Law Review, Vol. 49, pp. 73-91.
- Futerman, Alan G., & Block, Walter E. 2017. A Praxeological Approach to Intentional Action. Studia Humana. 6:4, October, pp. 10-33.
- Baschkier, Eliezer, & Futerman, Alan G. 2016. Los fundamentos económicos del desarrollo: un estudio de contabilidad del crecimiento e institucional del caso del Estado de Israel en 1948-2011. LI Annual Meeting of the Argentine Association of Political Economy (AAEP), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, November.
- Futerman, Alan G. 2016. La Q de Tobin como Medida Macroeconómica del Ciclo Económico desde la Perspectiva de la Tradición Austríaca. Revista INVENIO, Year 19, Winter, N° 36. pp. 43-54.
- Futerman, Alan G. 2014. Hacia una Teoría de los Bienes Públicos como Bienes Políticos y el Rol Estatal. Revista Procesos de Mercado, Revista Europea de Economía Política Vol. XI, n.º 1, Spring, pp. 221-250.
- Tejera, Ariel R., Verón, Leandro A., & Futerman, Alan G. 2012. El Ciclo Económico Periférico: Algunas Definiciones. XLVII Annual Meeting of the Argentine Association of Political Economy (AAEP), Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia “San Juan Bosco”, Trelew, Argentina. November 14-16.