Alexandra Kleinlercher
Lecturer in German Language Education
Alexandra graduated with an MA in Translation and Interpreting in German, French and Spanish from the University of Vienna. She completed a PhD in German Literature at the EPHE in Paris.
Before joining the Modern Language Centre at King's College London in 2020, she has taught German for 14 years, first in France at the universities of Lille III and Le Havre and then at a wide range of UK HE institutions – latterly at the University of Surrey where she was Programme Director for Evening Language Courses, International Exchange Co-ordinator and German Placement Tutor for the Year Abroad.
She has taught German at all levels and a variety of modules. Alexandra is particularly interested in an interdisciplinary approach to teaching language, encompassing society, politics, culture, history, geography, and the economies of German speaking countries. She is also interested in the use of audio-visual material in teaching.
Selected Publications
- Kleinlercher A. (2011) Zwischen Wahrheit und Dichtung: Antisemitismus und Nationalsozialismus bei Heimito von Doderer, Böhlau Verlag, Vienna, Cologne and Weimar [472 pp.]
Journal article
- Kleinlercher A (2016) 'Ilse Aichinger's Novel Die größere Hoffnung in English Translation: A Critique', Austrian Studies 23: Translation Austria [pp. 143-157]
Conference papers
- Kleinlercher A. (2010) 'Erinnerung und Verdrängung. Die Rezeption der Strudlhofstiege von Seiten der “nichtjüdischen jüdischen” Freunde Doderers in Briefen und Dokumenten'. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur, Vienna, 'Der Meister der Stiegen. Annäherungen an Heimito von Doderers Roman Die Strudlhofstiege'
- Kleinlercher A. (2009) 'Heimito von Doderer in London'. Austrian Cultural Forum London, 'Dialogue with Doderer: Heimito von Doderer in London'
- Kleinlercher A. (2008) 'Zur Figur des Andreas Milohnic in Heimito von Doderers Roman Die Wasserfälle von Slunj und seinem Modell'. University of Zagreb, 'Austrian faces - Heimito von Doderers Roman No 7/I: Die Wasserfälle von Slunj'

German Language Clinic - Preparation for oral exam (stages 1 & 2)
Join this workshop to gain more confidence with German pronunciation!

Speak with me in German
Join this workshop to practice and improve your German speaking skills!
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Take your German to the next level: Tips for independent learning for experienced language learners
Discover, share, and try out German podcasts, YouTube videos, blogs, series and more!
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Developing Speaking Skills in German (A1)
This workshop is open to all students studying German at A1 level.
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German Language Clinic - Preparation for oral exam (stages 1 & 2)
Join this workshop to gain more confidence with German pronunciation!

Speak with me in German
Join this workshop to practice and improve your German speaking skills!
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Take your German to the next level: Tips for independent learning for experienced language learners
Discover, share, and try out German podcasts, YouTube videos, blogs, series and more!
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Developing Speaking Skills in German (A1)
This workshop is open to all students studying German at A1 level.
Please note: this event has passed.