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Breno Pauli Medeiros

Breno Pauli Medeiros

Visiting Research Associate

  • PhD Candidate

Research interests

  • Policy
  • Conflict and security
  • Security


Breno Pauli Medeiros is a Ph.D. candidate in Military Sciences by the Brazillian Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME), working on the challenges and impacts of Cyberpower on strategic thinking.

In 2022, Breno was awarded an internalisation scholarship from the CAPES Foundation, an agency under the Ministry of Education of Brazil, in order to conduct part of his doctoral research as a visiting Research Associate in the Department of War Studies. The research done in KCL focuses primarily on how different states adapt their institutional and legal frameworks to comprehend the impacts emanating from the use of cyberpower.

The research being conducted at King's is the culmination of a long research agenda spamming from Breno's Master's in Military Sciences, also from ECEME, attained in 2019. During his Master's Breno developed the "Fundamental Conceptual Trinity of Cyberspace" as an analytical framework structured around the concepts of deterritoriality, multiplicity of actors, and uncertainty; and how these concepts challenged the discipline of International Relations and its respective theoretical proponents. Now, Breno is using this approach in his PhD research to investigate how cyber power affects military culture, organisation, and strategy.


Research Interests

  • Cyberpower development and its impacts
  • National Defence strategy, coordination, policy-making, and oversight
  • Comparative cyber strategy, including UK and Brazilian cyber strategy

Breno's research focuses on the development of cyberpower and its impacts on strategic thinking, convened by the comparative analysis of defence policies and strategies.


  • Devanny, J., Goldoni, L. R. F., & Medeiros, B. P. (2022). Strategy in an Uncertain Domain: Threat and Response in Cyberspace. Journal of Strategic Security, 15(2), 3.
  • Medeiros, B. P., Goldoni, L. R. F., Batista Junior, E., & Rocha, H. R. D. (2020). The use of cyberspace by the public administration in the COVID-19 pandemic: diagnosis and vulnerabilities. Revista de Administração Pública, 54, 650-662.
  • Devanny, J., Goldoni, L. R. F., & Medeiros, B. P. (2020). The 2019 Venezuelan blackout and the consequences of cyber uncertainty. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa, 7(2).
  • Medeiros, B. P., & Goldoni, L. R. F. (2020). The Fundamental Conceptual Trinity of Cyberspace. Contexto Internacional, 42, 31-54.