Dr Christos Skamniotis
Lecturer in Engineering
Research interests
- Engineering
Dr Christos Skamniotis is a Lecturer in Engineering in the Department of Engineering at King's College London. He has worked on extremely diverse solid mechanics problems, ranging from the experimental and FE modelling of soft food deformation-fracture during oral and gastric processing, to the design of transpiration cooled gas turbine blades against creep-fatigue-ratchetting failure.
Christos joined King’s as a Lecturer in Engineering in January 2024, after working as a Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Leicester (2023-2024). His academic career started at Imperial College London in 2014 (Unwin prize for best PhD thesis in 2017), where he continued his research on soft biological materials at postdoctoral level for a year, followed by a 3.5 year postdoctoral research on transpiration cooled Nickel-based turbine blades at the University of Oxford.
Research interests
- Solids under extreme heat flows
- Continuum Scale and Dislocation Scale Modelling of Plastic Deformation
- Flow and Fracture Of Soft Biological Materials