I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences (Hons) from the University of Manchester. I spent a year working as a research assistant in Prof. Thomas Flatt's lab at the University of Lausanne and completed my PhD in the Genetics Centre at St. George's, University of London. My current role aims to examine the impact that mechanical changes have on the lipidome in epithelial cells, using in vitro cell models and mass spectrometry.
PURE Profile: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/clare.benson

Eggert Group
The Eggert Group uses chemical and cell biology approaches to study cytokinesis at the process, pathway, protein and metabolite levels.

Eggert Group
The Eggert Group uses chemical and cell biology approaches to study cytokinesis at the process, pathway, protein and metabolite levels.