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Dimitar Pashov

Dr Dimitar Pashov

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Physics


Dimitar Pashov gained his PhD at Queen's University Belfast where he worked on linear scaling quantum mechanical models for Titanium Aluminium superalloys.

Since moving to King's College London he has joined the Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Many Electron Problem and has co-founded the Questaal project.

Research interests

  • Electronic structure theory and implementation

  • Unconventional superconductivity

  • Correlated materials

  • High performance computing

  • Quantum computing


    ARTICLE Molecule Model
    Theory & Simulation of Condensed Matter

    Research is focused on the theory of condensed matter, and in particular the development and application of advanced theoretical and modelling techniques suitable for the study of complex materials and molecular systems and processes.


      ARTICLE Molecule Model
      Theory & Simulation of Condensed Matter

      Research is focused on the theory of condensed matter, and in particular the development and application of advanced theoretical and modelling techniques suitable for the study of complex materials and molecular systems and processes.