Jacqui Dyer MBE
Director, Black Thrive Global & Co-Lead, Thrive LDN
Dr Jacqui Dyer MBE is Director, Black Thrive Global & Co-Lead, Thrive LDN, working with the Population Mental Health Consortium at King's College London.
Dr Jacqui Dyer is an health and social care consultant with a background in adult mental health commissioning as well as community and family social work.
She is a co-investigator on the King's led project: COVID-19 Ethnic Inequalities in Mental health and Multimorbidities: COVE-IMM study

COVID-19 Ethnic Inequalities in Mental health and Multimorbidities: COVE-IMM study
Informed by perspectives of people with lived experience, this study has explored how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated ethnic health inequalities
Project status: Completed

Population Mental Health Consortium
UK network to boost the role of research and the use of data to improve population health focused on children and young people, suicide and self-harm prevention and multiple long-term conditions.

Cross-Cutting Platform 1: Partners in Policy, Implementation and Lived Experience
The disconnect between research, public policy, practice and lived experience is a significant limitation for improving the mental health of society.
Project status: Ongoing

COVID-19 Ethnic Inequalities in Mental health and Multimorbidities: COVE-IMM study
Informed by perspectives of people with lived experience, this study has explored how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated ethnic health inequalities
Project status: Completed

Population Mental Health Consortium
UK network to boost the role of research and the use of data to improve population health focused on children and young people, suicide and self-harm prevention and multiple long-term conditions.

Cross-Cutting Platform 1: Partners in Policy, Implementation and Lived Experience
The disconnect between research, public policy, practice and lived experience is a significant limitation for improving the mental health of society.
Project status: Ongoing