Jennifer completed her BSc in Psychology with Honours at the University of Kent in Canterbury, and subsequently an MSc in Cognitive Psychology/ Neuropsychology. In May 2017 she joined KCL after completing her PhD in Computer Science, also at University of Kent in Canterbury.
Jennifer specialises in Cognitive Neuroscience, researching cognition and brain development using EEG and eye-tracking methods in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental conditions, such as Autism. She is currently working on the SynaG study within the AIMS-2-TRIALS consortium (www.aims-2-trials.eu, assessing and analysing data from children with synaptic gene deficits linked to Autism.
Teaching has included Advanced statistics and research methodology (MSc level) at KCL, and Human Computer Interactions (BSc level), Computer Systems (BSc level), and Cognitive Neural Networks (MSc level) at University of Kent in Canterbury.
Research Interests
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Rare synaptic gene disorders
- Datamining
- Parametric statistics
- Machine learning
- Eye-tracking
Expertise and Public Engagement
Jennifer has presented research and participated in a number of charity events for families of children with rare genetic conditions associated with Autism, including the Phelan McDermid Syndrome Foundation Family Day and the FOXG1 European Symposium. She has also participated in a south London parent information day, provided by the charity Mencap, to highlight the importance of research in Autism.
Statistics and Research Methods
Statistics and Research Methods