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Gary  Buck

Dr Gary Buck

Visiting Research Fellow

Contact details


Dr Buck is an Operational Psychologist with twenty years experience of working in the public and private sector. His PhD research focused on the role of psychological factors in the management of critical situations and examined different military and international crises situations. He is author of the third edition of DCDC’s Red Teaming Handbook and currently works with a range of organisations on Red Teaming and decision support initiatives.


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • MSc Occupational Psychology
  • MA Modern War Studies & Contemporary Military History
  • PhD Applied Psychology
  • Chartered Psychologist
  • Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
  • Certificate of the Business Continuity Institute
  • Fellow of the Academy of Security, Intelligence & Risk Studies
  • Member of the Security Institute

Research Interests

  • Cognitive biases in decision-making
  • Red Teaming
  • Crisis Management
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Decision support
  • Forecasting

Dr Buck has active research interests in strategy development, decision-making, crisis management and forecasting. He is currently examining the role of psychological factors in the exercise of operational command by senior British Army officers in the Western Desert Campaign (1940-43).


  • Operation Market Garden: Urquhart and the Decisional Conflict Model.

Buck, G.A., June 2021, in: British Army Review, pp. 84-89, No. 180, Spring/Summer 2021.

  • Red Teaming Handbook: Guide to the Use of the Red Team Decision Making Tool in Defence, 3rd Edition.

Buck G.A, July 2021, Ministry of Defence Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC), Shrivenham.

  • The Elephant in the Room: Measurement of Effect.

Buck, G.A., January 2020, in: Defence Strategic Communications, pp. 147-160, Vol. 7, January 2020.