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Hataf Khan

Dr Hataf Khan

Wellcome Trust Early Career Research Fellow

Contact details


Dr Hataf Khan is a Wellcome Trust Early Career Fellow in the Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences. He gained his PhD in 2019 from University College London under the supervision of Professor Greg Towers. His thesis work characterised the antagonism of innate immunity by HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr.

Hataf joined the Malim lab in 2019 to investigate how NCOA7 inhibits endocytic virus entry. He was awarded a Wellcome Early Career Award in 2023 to further develop his research in host-pathogen interactions.


    infectious-diseases-hero banner 1903 x558 (2)
    Malim Lab

    The Malim lab is part of the Department of Infectious Diseases


      infectious-diseases-hero banner 1903 x558 (2)
      Malim Lab

      The Malim lab is part of the Department of Infectious Diseases