Jessi Gilchrist
Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy Doctoral Fellow
Contact details
Jessi Gilchrist is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of War Studies and a doctoral fellow at the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy and the Society for Intelligence History where her research explores imperial borders and their legacies in our contemporary international laws. Jessi also holds a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Since beginning her PhD, Jessi founded the King's Trauma-Centred Study Group and continues to coordinate monthly sessions, workshops, and public events that engage with the theme of trauma as both a research focus and a lived-experience of researchers.
Originally from the rural Canadian prairies, Jessi began her studies at Brandon University in 2014 where she completed a Bachelor of Arts (honours) with a major in history and a Bachelor of Music specializing in flute performance. In 2018, she entered the two-year MA history programme at the University of Western Ontario where she was funded by a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s. Under the supervision of Francine McKenzie, she successfully defended her MA thesis entitled “Global Governance and Imperial Entanglements: Cooperation, Conflict, and Catastrophe in Anglo-Italian Relations, 1922-1940” in summer 2020. She went on to work with Margaret MacMillan at the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto on her second MA project entitled “Reconsidering the Locarno System: Great Britain, Fascist Italy, and the Imperial Roots of the Postwar Global Order, 1922-1925.”
Jessi previously worked as an analyst in the Geopolitics and National Security Learning Program at the Canada School of Public Service where she specialised on files relating to extremism within the Canadian national security environment.
Research Interests:
Thesis title: “Fractious Frontiers: British Egypt, Italian Libya, and the Making of an International Legal Order, 1907-1952.”
Supervisors: Mark Condos and Steven Wagner
Her current PhD project focuses on the Libyan-Egyptian colonial frontier as a point of departure to explore how the British and Italian empires attempted to govern this inter-imperial border; how ideology shaped imperial policy and practice towards colonial border security; and what the experience of this colonial border tell us about the role of international law in mediating, formalizing, and entrenching the imperial system within the twentieth-century global order. This project seeks to demonstrate that an international legal order developed in tandem with empire as the British and Italians collaborated and competed with one another in an effort to determine solutions to the colonial problems that they faced at this inter-imperial border from the initial conquest of each territory in the 1910s to formal decolonisation in the 1950s. In doing so, her PhD project aims to offer a new interpretation of how empire really worked and why it remained so durable over the course of the twentieth century.
History of empire
Borderlands, frontiers, and migration
Colonial intelligence
Anti-colonial resistance
Italian Fascism
- Middle East & North Africa
Recent Publications:
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- “‘The Veil of Mystery:’ Colonial Intelligence in the Arabian Peninsula.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 3 August 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/03086534.2023.2240093
- “Sharing Empire: Great Britain, Fascist Italy, and (Anti-)Colonial Intelligence Networks in the Palestine Mandate, 1933-1940.” Intelligence and National Security, Published Online: 9 August 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/02684527.2022.2104507
- “‘Clouds of mutual suspicion’: Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement in the Mediterranean.” The International History Review, Published Online: 14 July 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/07075332.2021.1925945
Book Chapters
- “A Red Sea ‘Magna Carta’? Britain, Italy, and the Quest for Order in South-West Arabia, 1911-1927.” In Justin Olmstead and James Tallon (eds.), Britain and Imperial Rivalry in the Red Sea. On contract with Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming 2024.
Book Reviews
- "Book Review: Jonathan Wyrtzen’s Worldmaking in the Long Great War.” Diplomacy and Statecraft, https://doi.org/10.1080/09592296.2024.2303865
- “Book Review: Caroline Elkins’ Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire.” International Journal, 31 August 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/00207020231198201
- “Book Review: Valerie McGuire’s Italy’s Sea: Empire and Nation in the Mediterranean, 1895-1945.” Modern Italy, 14 December 2022. https://www.doi.org/10.1017/mit.2022.58
- “Book Review: Vanda Wilcox’s The Italian Empire and the Great War.” International Journal, https://doi.org/10.1177/00207020221097992
Media Articles
- “Putin’s New “New Imperialism” in the War Against Ukraine,” Centre for Grand Strategy Newsletter, 12 July 2023.
- “The Boeing 737 MAX Settlement: An American ‘Solution’ to an International Disaster.” Duck of Minerva, August 2022.
- “Deconstructing Dominant Narratives Through Progressive Metal,” ActiveHistory, December 2020.
- “Could Covid Cure Classical Music?” ActiveHistory, July 2020.
Research centres and groups:
- Centre for Grand Strategy
- Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War
- Trauma-Centred Study Group
- Empires and Decolonization Research Hub
Empires and Decolonizations Research Hub
Aiming to bring together those at King’s interested in the history of empires, across all periods - ancient and modern.

Centre for Grand Strategy
The Centre for Grand Strategy seeks to bring a greater degree of historical and strategic expertise to statecraft, diplomacy and foreign policy.

King's Trauma-Centred Study Group
The Trauma-Centred Study Group (TCSG) brings together PGRs, ECRs, and faculty from across King's College London to explore trauma both as a tool of analysis within our research and as a tool of self-reflection. The TCSG facilitates routine dialogue and offers a creative space for collaboration and innovative thinking among researchers about the visibility of trauma as a concept, methodology, and informed practice within our research, curricula, and policy-making spheres.

Arts & Conflict Hub
The Arts & Conflicts hub uses artistic mediums to communicate, teach and research the complexities of conflict

Staging History: Can Art Narrate the Silenced Past?
King's Trauma-Centred Study Group is hosting Lilia Topouzova from the University of Toronto for its annual guest lecture. Dr. Topouzova's talk will explore...
Please note: this event has passed.
Putin's New "New Imperialism" in the War Against Ukraine
A spotlight on research piece written by Jessi Gilchrist for our latest Centre for Grand Strategy newsletter.

Empires and Decolonizations Research Hub
Aiming to bring together those at King’s interested in the history of empires, across all periods - ancient and modern.

Centre for Grand Strategy
The Centre for Grand Strategy seeks to bring a greater degree of historical and strategic expertise to statecraft, diplomacy and foreign policy.

King's Trauma-Centred Study Group
The Trauma-Centred Study Group (TCSG) brings together PGRs, ECRs, and faculty from across King's College London to explore trauma both as a tool of analysis within our research and as a tool of self-reflection. The TCSG facilitates routine dialogue and offers a creative space for collaboration and innovative thinking among researchers about the visibility of trauma as a concept, methodology, and informed practice within our research, curricula, and policy-making spheres.

Arts & Conflict Hub
The Arts & Conflicts hub uses artistic mediums to communicate, teach and research the complexities of conflict

Staging History: Can Art Narrate the Silenced Past?
King's Trauma-Centred Study Group is hosting Lilia Topouzova from the University of Toronto for its annual guest lecture. Dr. Topouzova's talk will explore...
Please note: this event has passed.
Putin's New "New Imperialism" in the War Against Ukraine
A spotlight on research piece written by Jessi Gilchrist for our latest Centre for Grand Strategy newsletter.