Mr Kai Lim
Research student
During his BSc Psychology at University College London, Kai encountered behavioural genetics and discovered his interest in statistics. After finishing his degree, Kai decided to further explore his interest in mental health, genetics and statistics. He joined the SGDP family to study MSc Genes, Environment & Development in Psychology & Psychiatry, funded by Peter McGuffin Prize Scholarship and King’s International Scholarship.
Currently, under King's PGR International Scholarship, Kai is continuing his PhD at SGDP with the tentative thesis title: “Investigating the Origins of Self-Harm: A Genetically Informative Approach”, supervised by Professor Fruhling Rijsdijk and Dr Jean-Baptiste Pingault. He plans to employ a range of methods, including twin modelling and machine learning techniques to investigate the aetiology of self-harm, and to identify risk factors that may predict suicidal and non-suicidal self-harm differently.
Kai is also a graduate teaching assistant at King’s College London, leading seminars and practical sessions for BSc Psychology students for topics in behavioural genetics and statistics. He also learns Arabic at King’s Modern Language Centre, aiming to be able to communicate his research findings to a wider community.