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Kalpa Kharicha

Dr Kalpa Kharicha

Senior Research Fellow


Kalpa has over 25 years’ experience as a social science researcher, mostly gained at the Centre for Ageing Population Studies, Research Department of Primary Care & Population Health, UCL, and recently applied in the third sector to inform evidence-based change.

Her main research interests include ageing and care across the trajectory of later life and in under-researched groups, wider determinants of health, well-being and inequalities, and loneliness and isolation across the life course and in different contexts. Her PhD was on older people’s experiences and responses to loneliness in later life.

She is primarily a qualitative researcher with broad experience of research methods for applied health and social care research, including reviews and syntheses, mixed methods evaluations, intervention development, randomised controlled trials with clinical trials units, and PPIE using principles of co-design.

Most recently, she was Head of Research, Policy and Practice at the Campaign to End Loneliness, part of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing. She led the Campaign’s research and evidence activities by developing, sharing and using robust evidence to inform decision-making in policy and practice, and partnering with cross-sector stakeholders including researchers, government policy makers, VCSE organisations, businesses and people with lived experience. She worked closely with implementation and communications colleagues to develop wide-reaching and accessible outputs.

She was a course lead on the postgraduate Qualitative Research Methods in Health course at UCL, and co-developed an e-learning course on Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation for health and social care practitioners at the Campaign.

She worked at UCL from 1997–2018, where she did her PhD, and at the Institute of Psychiatry and Brunel University before then.

At the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, Kalpa leads the Visa Study and the Evaluation of the International Recruitment Fund for adult social care.

Kalpa Kharicha: ORCID iD | Research profile at King's

The publication feed is not currently available.


VASC logo 780-b
Meaningful volunteer involvement in adult social care (ASC): Perspectives from diverse ASC providers, key informants, and evaluation of the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders scheme

Evaluating volunteering in adult social care (ASC) within the ‘NHS and Care Volunteer Responders’ scheme

Project status: Ongoing

map of the world-780
Evaluation of the International Recruitment Fund for adult social care

The fund aims to increase the number of international recruits entering adult social care, improving ethical international recruitment & employment practice.

Project status: Completed

home office immigration
The Visa Study: Understanding the impact of the Health and Care Worker visa on the frontline adult social care workforce

Evaluating the impact of immigration rule changes on the social care system.

Project status: Completed

world map-780b
International educational partnerships to develop the healthcare workforce

Building on the Unit's earlier review of ethical international recruitment

Project status: Completed

Evaluating the Implementation of Apprenticeships in Health and Social Care

Examining the similarities and differences between the health and social care sectors in how they are carrying out the apprenticeship agenda.

Project status: Ongoing


Open passport with visa stamps

At the International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care

New Deputy Director among those from the Unit travelling to Bilbao

Group of four King's College London researchers in ornate surroundings in Bilbao

At the NIHR School for Social Care Research Conference 2024

The Unit was a strong presence at the annual conference in Birmingham

Researchers and colleagues at a conference

The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce Programme of Work

The Policy Research Unit announces seven new studies commencing in 2024

Logo of a research unit

Best practice in international recruitment in social care

Kalpa Kharicha reported on the Visa Study as part of Social Work Week

Passport with visa stamps

Understanding the impact of changes to the UK Health and Care Visa System on the adult social care workforce in England

New report identifies important areas of learning for practice and policy on international recruitment

Open passport with visa stamps

International educational partnerships to develop the healthcare workforce

What are the benefits and challenges associated with these partnerships?

world map

At the Health Services Research UK Conference 2023

Senior Research Fellow Kalpa Kharicha discussed the Unit's Visa Study at the conference

People at a lecture

Exploring local adult social care evidence needs

Unit researchers a strong presence at an event that employed World Café methodology

Person giving a presentation to a group of people sitting at tables



Home Care Research Forum November 2024

Dr Kalpa Kharicha, King’s College London; Dr Bryony Beresford, University of York

Please note: this event has passed.


Showcase of social care research in NIHR Policy Research Units

Hosted by the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Adult Social Care

Please note: this event has passed.


Equality, Dignity and Care Homes – The Way Forward

Inaugural meeting of the Human Rights and Social Care Forum

Please note: this event has passed.

The publication feed is not currently available.


VASC logo 780-b
Meaningful volunteer involvement in adult social care (ASC): Perspectives from diverse ASC providers, key informants, and evaluation of the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders scheme

Evaluating volunteering in adult social care (ASC) within the ‘NHS and Care Volunteer Responders’ scheme

Project status: Ongoing

map of the world-780
Evaluation of the International Recruitment Fund for adult social care

The fund aims to increase the number of international recruits entering adult social care, improving ethical international recruitment & employment practice.

Project status: Completed

home office immigration
The Visa Study: Understanding the impact of the Health and Care Worker visa on the frontline adult social care workforce

Evaluating the impact of immigration rule changes on the social care system.

Project status: Completed

world map-780b
International educational partnerships to develop the healthcare workforce

Building on the Unit's earlier review of ethical international recruitment

Project status: Completed

Evaluating the Implementation of Apprenticeships in Health and Social Care

Examining the similarities and differences between the health and social care sectors in how they are carrying out the apprenticeship agenda.

Project status: Ongoing


Open passport with visa stamps

At the International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care

New Deputy Director among those from the Unit travelling to Bilbao

Group of four King's College London researchers in ornate surroundings in Bilbao

At the NIHR School for Social Care Research Conference 2024

The Unit was a strong presence at the annual conference in Birmingham

Researchers and colleagues at a conference

The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce Programme of Work

The Policy Research Unit announces seven new studies commencing in 2024

Logo of a research unit

Best practice in international recruitment in social care

Kalpa Kharicha reported on the Visa Study as part of Social Work Week

Passport with visa stamps

Understanding the impact of changes to the UK Health and Care Visa System on the adult social care workforce in England

New report identifies important areas of learning for practice and policy on international recruitment

Open passport with visa stamps

International educational partnerships to develop the healthcare workforce

What are the benefits and challenges associated with these partnerships?

world map

At the Health Services Research UK Conference 2023

Senior Research Fellow Kalpa Kharicha discussed the Unit's Visa Study at the conference

People at a lecture

Exploring local adult social care evidence needs

Unit researchers a strong presence at an event that employed World Café methodology

Person giving a presentation to a group of people sitting at tables



Home Care Research Forum November 2024

Dr Kalpa Kharicha, King’s College London; Dr Bryony Beresford, University of York

Please note: this event has passed.


Showcase of social care research in NIHR Policy Research Units

Hosted by the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Adult Social Care

Please note: this event has passed.


Equality, Dignity and Care Homes – The Way Forward

Inaugural meeting of the Human Rights and Social Care Forum

Please note: this event has passed.