Karl Patrick Norberg is an ESRC-funded PhD student at the Department of International Development at King's. He has a BA and an MSc in Development Studies from SOAS, University of London. He works in a Marxist political economy framework.
Thesis title: 'The role of the tech sector in the contemporary capitalist mode of production'
His research at King's addresses various theoretical issues in understanding contemporary capitalism arising from the prominence of the tech sector. Specifically, he is interested in the nature of accumulation in the digital economy and how it is influenced by digital labour and rents.
PhD supervision
- Principal supervisor: Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho
- Secondary supervisor: Dr Juan Grigera
Further details

Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group
The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.

Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group
The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.