Professor Laia Becares
Professor of Social Science and Health
Research interests
- Population Health
- Sociology
- Equality
Contact details
Professor Laia Becares joined King’s in 2022, having previously worked at the University of Sussex (2018-2022) and at the University of Manchester (2010-2018), where she retains an Honorary position. She obtained her PhD in Social Epidemiology from UCL and her master's in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health.
She is a quantitative Social Epidemiologist by training and takes an interdisciplinary approach to her work. Laia collaborates with quantitative and qualitative sociologists, psychiatrists, geographers, demographers and other epidemiologists. She is an Editor of Sociology of Health and Illness, and serves on the Academic Reference Group of the NHS Race and Health Observatory.
Laia has been awarded several research fellowships, including an ESRC/MRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2010-2012), a Hallsworth Research Fellowship (2012-2016) and an ESRC Future Research Leader Fellowship (2012-2015).
Thesis 'Role of racism, homophobia and heterosexism in leading to inequities in health and mental health Life course and ageing Neighbourhood effects'
Laia's research looks at understanding the pathways by which the discrimination and marginalisation of people and places lead to social and health inequities. This work has mostly focused on examining the association between othering, oppression and health, in order to understand how experiences of discrimination pattern people's health and social outcomes, as well as that of their children. She is also interested in understanding how the accumulation of experienced discrimination across people's lives determines their health as they age.
She studies these processes in relation to racism, homophobia and heterosexism as systems of oppression. Currently, Laia is the Principal Investigator of a Nuffield-funded project titled ‘ethnic inequalities in later life’, which uses survey and census data to examine ethnic inequalities in mental and physical health, wellbeing and socio-economic circumstances among people aged over 45.
She also leads a project funded by the Health Foundation, which examines ethnic inequalities in healthcare among people with multimorbidity. Laia co-developed the Queerantine Study, which examined the detrimental impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the LGBTQ+ community.
PhD supervision
Laia is interested in supervising doctoral students who want to explore topics related to health inequalities, mental health, racism, LGBTQ+ inequalities, ageing, life course effects and neighbourhood effects.

COVID-19 Ethnic Inequalities in Mental health and Multimorbidities: COVE-IMM study
Informed by perspectives of people with lived experience, this study has explored how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated ethnic health inequalities
Project status: Completed

Centre for research and teaching in gender and sexuality studies and a hub for collaborative work with queer activists, artists, and communities.

LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK
Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.
Project status: Ongoing

GHSM Anti Racism Steering Group
The Anti Racism Steering Group is a staff-student led initiative in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine (GHSM).
Community leaders and researchers collaborate to tackle health inequalities
Community leaders from across the UK joined arms with public health experts to brainstorm ways to help plug the gap in health inequalities.

Awards for SSPP research making the world a better place
The Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy (SSPP) held its 2024 Impact Awards to recognise and celebrate impactful research.

King's experts unite to fight LGBTQ+ health inequalities
A 'supergroup’ of experts from across the University are pooling their knowledge and resources to help establish King’s as a global centre of research...

Applications open for three new studentships at the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health
The ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health invite prospective students to apply for new studentships aligned with its key research areas, with a focus on...

More than a third of people from minority groups in the UK have experienced racist assaults, survey finds
Racism and racial discrimination in the UK are insidiousness and persistent, according to new research co-produced by King’s.

Racism is 'fundamental cause' of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities
King's academic leads newly published briefing from the Runnymede Trust and the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity


Ethnic inequalities in mortality: examining assumptions and missing data concerns around experimental life expectancy estimates
In this seminar we present findings from a project funded by the Nuffield Foundation where we examined the sensitivity of the ONS’ life expectancy estimates...
Please note: this event has passed.

Ethnic Inequalities in Healthcare for people with multiple long-term conditions
Panelists will be discussing recent research and policy implications around ethnic inequalities in healthcare and care quality among people with multiple...
Please note: this event has passed.

Centring life course exposure to racism as the root cause of ethnic inequalities in health in later life
This seminar explores the role of racism, experienced over the life course, in structuring ethnic inequalities in health in later life.
Please note: this event has passed.

COVID-19 Ethnic Inequalities in Mental health and Multimorbidities: COVE-IMM study
Informed by perspectives of people with lived experience, this study has explored how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated ethnic health inequalities
Project status: Completed

Centre for research and teaching in gender and sexuality studies and a hub for collaborative work with queer activists, artists, and communities.

LGBTQ+ policymaking in the UK
Establishing an interdisciplinary network of academic, policymaking, and civil society stakeholders to address the policy needs of the UK’s LGBTQ+ population.
Project status: Ongoing

GHSM Anti Racism Steering Group
The Anti Racism Steering Group is a staff-student led initiative in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine (GHSM).
Community leaders and researchers collaborate to tackle health inequalities
Community leaders from across the UK joined arms with public health experts to brainstorm ways to help plug the gap in health inequalities.

Awards for SSPP research making the world a better place
The Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy (SSPP) held its 2024 Impact Awards to recognise and celebrate impactful research.

King's experts unite to fight LGBTQ+ health inequalities
A 'supergroup’ of experts from across the University are pooling their knowledge and resources to help establish King’s as a global centre of research...

Applications open for three new studentships at the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health
The ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health invite prospective students to apply for new studentships aligned with its key research areas, with a focus on...

More than a third of people from minority groups in the UK have experienced racist assaults, survey finds
Racism and racial discrimination in the UK are insidiousness and persistent, according to new research co-produced by King’s.

Racism is 'fundamental cause' of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities
King's academic leads newly published briefing from the Runnymede Trust and the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity


Ethnic inequalities in mortality: examining assumptions and missing data concerns around experimental life expectancy estimates
In this seminar we present findings from a project funded by the Nuffield Foundation where we examined the sensitivity of the ONS’ life expectancy estimates...
Please note: this event has passed.

Ethnic Inequalities in Healthcare for people with multiple long-term conditions
Panelists will be discussing recent research and policy implications around ethnic inequalities in healthcare and care quality among people with multiple...
Please note: this event has passed.

Centring life course exposure to racism as the root cause of ethnic inequalities in health in later life
This seminar explores the role of racism, experienced over the life course, in structuring ethnic inequalities in health in later life.
Please note: this event has passed.