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Lauren Waterman

Lauren Waterman

MD(Res) Student


Dr Waterman joined KCL as an Academic Clinical Fellow while on the Maudsley Training Programme, and then as a part-time MDRes doctoral student in 2020, funded by a scholarship from Mental Health Research UK (estimated completion date Sept 2026). She now works as a consultant general adult psychiatrist at Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

Research interests

  • Population health
  • Health inequality
  • Migrant Health
  • Immigration Detention
  • Insomnia

Expertise and public engagement

Dr Waterman is medical lead for the NNLS Asylum Seeker Drop-In charity; an HEE-Funded Population Health Fellow at NCL ICS; member of the RCPsych Working Group for Mental Health and Forced Migration; charity volunteer and campaigner for improving access to health and social care for migrants; and member of the RCPsych Special Interest Group on Sleep. In addition to her academic papers, she co-authored the RCPsych Position Statement on immigration detention (04/21) and an RCPsych report (2023-24) on the health impact of recent UK immigration bills (In Press). Collaborating with the UK’s main IRC/prison healthcare provider, she designed and delivered the first ever comprehensive training days for clinicians at 4/5 of the the UK's largest immigration detention centres on assessing mental health and vulnerability and effectively raising safeguarding concerns. She has also been consulted as an expert by the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration and detention centre healthcare providers.

Dr Waterman regularly organises and delivers regional and national teaching to medical students, trainees, GPs, psychiatrists and members of the public on topics including Migrant Mental Health, Access to Healthcare and Insomnia.


  • Waterman LZ, Selsick H. (Aug 2023) Insomnia and its treatment should be given more importance. British Journal of General Practice.
  • Waterman LZ, .... (July 2023) Patterns of insomnia and its treatment in North Central London: Using primary care data to establish unmet needs and health inequalities. (Abstract) BJPsych Open.
  • Waterman LZ, Creed M. (June 2023) A new insomnia treatment service: The benefits and challenges of establishing a trainee-led service. BJPsych Bulletin.
  • Waterman LZ. (June 2023) Criminalising misuse of nitrous oxide is unlikely to benefit the public. BMJ. 381:381.
  • Waterman LZ, Pillay M, Katona C. (Oct 2022) The mass release of migrants from UK immigration detention during the COVID-19 pandemic: what can be learned? BJPsych Bulletin, 1:1-6.
  • Sen P, … Waterman LZ, Forrester A. (June 2022) The UK's exportation of asylum obligations to Rwanda: A challenge to mental health, ethics and the law. Med Sci Law. 62(3):165-167.
  • Sen P, Waterman LZ, Crowley G, Pillay M, Katona C. (May, 2022) Clinicians caring for migrants need more support. BMJ. 23;377
  • Waterman LZ, Arnold F, Pillay M, Katona C. (April 2022) Home office and detention centre healthcare providers must do their own research and service evaluation. BMJ; 377:o909
  • Waterman LZ, Pillay M, Sen P et al. (Feb 2022) It is time to expand community alternatives to immigration detention. BMJ; 376:o458
  • De Bernier G, Debelle A, Calcia M, Waterman L. (June 2021). Re-evaluating trainee experience of involvement in serious incidents – has anything changed? BJPsych Open, 7(S1), S317-S318.
  • Waterman LZ, Pillay M, Katona C. (April 2021) Health data sharing for immigration control impacts marginalised communities (Letter of the week). BMJ; 373:n1042
  • Waterman LZ, Selsick H. (April 2021) Sedatives for insomnia should not be stopped prematurely. BMJ; 373:n1092
  • Waterman LZ. (Jan, 2021) Cultural competence in vaccine rollout: migrants would face difficulties accessing covid-19 vaccines. BMJ; 372:n220.
  • Waterman LZ. (Nov, 2020) Suicide data should include more information for analysing health inequalities. BMJ; 371:m4241
  • Waterman LZ, Cooper M. (Oct, 2020) Self-Administered EMDR Therapy: Potential Solution for Expanding the Availability of Psychotherapy for PTSD or Unregulated Recipe for Disaster? BJPsych Open.
  • Waterman LZ, Katona C, Katona C. (April, 2020) Assessing asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented migrants. BJPsych Bulletin, 44(2). PMCID: 7283125
  • Waterman LZ. (Oct, 2019) Urgent treatment must never be withheld from migrants. BMJ, 367:l6043.
  • Smith A, Waterman LZ, Veale D. (Sept, 2019) Recognising and managing body dysmorphic disorder. The Pharmaceutical Journal, 303(7928): 183-185.
  • Waterman LZ, Denton D, Minton O. (June, 2016) End of life care in a psychiatric hospital. (Special Article) BJPsych Bulletin, 40(3): 149-152. PMID 27280036.
  • Waterman LZ et al. (Oct, 2015) Using a symptom observation chart for dying patients: Review of a service improvement tool. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(29S). (Abstract)
  • Waterman L. (April, 2014) So, doctor, was I worth £10? Emergency Medicine Journal. 31(4):351-2. PMID: 24591569
  • Waterman LZ., Weinman JA. (Feb, 2014) Medical Student Syndrome: Fact or Fiction? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open, Volume 5, Issue 2. PMID 25057368
  • Waterman LZ., Weinman JA. (April, 2012) Medical Student Syndrome: Fact or Fiction? Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, Volume 74, Issue 3, A1-106.(Abstract)


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