Marion Nao
Research Associate
Research interests
- Education
- Communication
- Healthcare
Contact details
Marion is an applied and sociolinguist with an interest in discourse and interactional analysis, which she has applied to diverse contexts, including education and healthcare. She is currently collaborating with colleagues from nursing and linguistics on a project exploring stigma and gestational diabetes, led by Prof. Angus Forbes. She has previously held research posts at The Open University, where she remains an Honorary Associate, and The University of Edinburgh, as an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow. She was awarded her PhD from Cardiff University in Language and Communication Research. Additionally, Marion has experience of teaching and applied research at a range of institutions in the UK, including the University of Leicester and Cardiff University, as well as in other countries, such as Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Spain, Kanda University of International Studies in Japan, and in Germany, Italy, and the Czech Republic.
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