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Matteo Zecchin

Dr Matteo Zecchin

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research interests

  • Engineering




Dr. Zecchin Matteo is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the King's Communications, Learning & Information Processing lab. He obtained his PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from EURECOM in 2022. His research focuses on the intersection of wireless communication and machine learning, with a particular emphasis on the application of Bayesian methods to wireless communication systems and decentralized learning approaches.

Research interests

  • Robust and Generalized Bayesian Inference
  • Decentralized Optimization
  • Design of Robust Wireless Communications Systems

More information


Centre for intelligent information processing systems thumb
Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems

Research centre focusing on intelligent information systems, encompassing hardware-software co-design, nanoscale information systems, signal processing, information engineering, and quantum information processing.


Centre for intelligent information processing systems thumb
Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems

Research centre focusing on intelligent information systems, encompassing hardware-software co-design, nanoscale information systems, signal processing, information engineering, and quantum information processing.