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Mauricio Moreno

Mauricio Moreno

Departmental IT Support Manager


Role: Provision of all local IT support within the department. 

Joined King’s College London in September 1999. 

Areas of expertise: Microsoft Windows, PC hardware, Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Access, Apple Mac desktop support, Linux. 

Qualifications: MSc in IT (London); MA in Area Studies, Latin America (London); BA in History (London). 

Key publications

  • M Leese, A Schene, M Koeter, K Meijer, J Bindman, M Mazzi, B Puschner, L Burti, T Becker, M Moreno, D Celani, IR White, G Thonicroft, SF-36 scales, and simple sums of scales, were reliable quality-of-life summaries for patients with schizophrenia, J Clin Epidemiol, 61, 2008, 588-596