Merle Lipton is an historian and political analyst currently attached to the Africa Research Programme in the War Studies Dept.
Her previous research & teaching attachments have included University of Sussex, Brighton; Chatham House , London; University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; and Yale University & the Wilson Centre for International Scholars in Washington DC.
Research Interests
She is currently writing a book on & writing a book on “The interaction between South Africa’s domestic and foreign policies”.
- “Are the BRICS reformers, revolutionaries or counter-revolutionaries?”, South African Journal of International Affairs (SAJIA) 2017, 24 (1).
- “Is South Africa’s Constitutional Democracy being Consolidated or Eroded?”, SAJIA 2014, 21(1).
- “Understanding South Africa’s foreign policy: the perplexing case of Zimbabwe”, SAJIA, December, 2009. 16(3).
- Editor & contributor Land, Labour & Livelihoods in Rural South Africa, 2 vols (Indicator Press, Durban, 1996).
- Joint editor/contributor, State & Market in Post-Apartheid South Africa (1993, Witwatersrand Univ Press,
- Liberals, Marxists and Nationalists: competing interpretations of South African History (2009, Palgrave Macmillan)
- Capitalism & Apartheid: South Africa: 1910-86 (1986, Gower Press)(2009),

Africa Research Group
The Africa Research Group provides a hub for Africa-focused research within the War Studies Department and across the College.

Africa Research Group
The Africa Research Group provides a hub for Africa-focused research within the War Studies Department and across the College.