Dr Michael Elliott
Lecturer in Economics (Foundation) Education
- Module Leader for Economics
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Michael has been leading the King's International Foundation Programme Economics module since 2019, having previously held teaching and research posts at the University of Southampton and the University of the Witwatersrand. He holds a PhD in Political Theory, an MSc (Distinction) in Global Politics, a BSc (hons) in Sociology and Psychology, and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Michael’s research crosses fields of political economy, political theory, and critical pedagogy. He is particularly interested in themes of democracy, decolonisation, and economic transformation. Recent and forthcoming publications include:
- Elliott, M. (Forthcoming) ‘Is it time to rethink IFP economics?’, InForm Journal.
- Elliott, M. (2023) ‘Beyond Redemption: Unsettling Progressive-Romantic Storyings of Colonial Injustice in Western Critical Thought’, in D. Boucher & A. Omar (eds) Decolonisation: Revolution and Evolution. Wits University Press / NYU Press, pp.143-64.
- Elliott, M. (2022) ‘Délégitimer le colonialisme d’établissement’, in G. Motard & G. Nootens (eds) Souverainetés et autodéterminations autochtones: Tïayoriho’ten’. Presses de l’Université Laval, pp.101-28.
- Elliott, M. (2020) ‘Democratic opening and closure: Struggles of (de)legitimation in the settler colony’, Contemporary Political Theory, Vol. 19, pp.83-104.
- Elliott, M. (2019) ‘Critical theory and decolonial possibility in the neoliberal moment’, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 46, No.11, pp.1277-1290.
- Elliott, M. (2018) ‘Indigenous Resurgence: the drive for renewed engagement and reciprocity in the turn away from the state’, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 51 (1), 61-81. (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008423917001032)
- Elliott, M. (2016) ‘Participatory parity and Indigenous decolonization struggles’, Constellations 23 (3), 413-24. (https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8675.12235)