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Mohammad Karimipour

Mohammad Karimipour

PhD student


With a BSc in Psychology and a clinical master’s degree in Family Therapy-Psychology, in 2018, I embarked on the MSc Neuroscience at King’s College London, to enrich my knowledge of the brain sciences and neural underpinnings of cognitive processes. Since 2020, as part of my PhD in the department of Psychological Medicine at the IoPPN, I have been conducting research on fostering wisdom in young people under the supervision of Prof Trudie Chalder and Dr Vanessa Lawrence. I am interested in fostering wisdom and boosting wise performance and how it can contribute to emotion regulation in young people. The result of this ongoing PhD will lead to the development of a new psychological intervention for fostering wisdom in young people.

Another research area that I would like to pursue in the future is to investigate how brain circuits, alongside cognition and behaviour, respond to mental health interventions, including wisdom-promoting interventions.

Research interests:

Fostering wisdom, brain development in young people, emotion regulation, metacognition


Since September 2021, I have been a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) on the BSc Psychology course at King’s College London.