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Nasima Chowdhury

Dr Nasima Chowdhury

Visiting Research Fellow


I graduated as a pharmacist from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1992. After the completion of Master of Pharmacy in 1993, I Joined Department of Pharmacology, Research Division, BIRDEM, Dhaka, Bangladesh, as a research fellow. BIRDEM is a WHO Collaboration Centre on diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders. I worked there as a research fellow until 1995 and then joined as a research officer.

In 2005, I moved to the UK to pursue my PhD from Teesside University on the effect of Probiotics on the regulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) pathway in cultured cells under the guidance of Professor Janey Henderson.

Currently, I am working as a visiting research fellow with the group of Professor K Miraz Rahman. My work focuses on the in vitro studies of antimicrobial and anticancer drugs.


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Antimicrobial Research Theme

Antimicrobial Research Theme


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Antimicrobial Research Theme

Antimicrobial Research Theme