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Nele Jensen

Dr Nele Jensen

Lecturer in Global Health & Social Medicine

Contact details


A physician by first training, Nele is a Lecturer in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine. Alongside her research and teaching, she serves as an editor of Somatosphere and is part of the GHSM Culture, Medicine & Power research group as well as the Goldsmiths’ Centre for Critical Global Change.

She is also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has worked in a researcher/consultancy capacity on numerous research projects, including on the global health workforce crisis (for Health Poverty Action), impact measurement at the Global Fund (for AIDSPAN), and alternative concepts and programmes to commercial biomedical pharmaceutical R&D in global health (for the German Parliament).

Prior to joining King's, Nele completed her PhD thesis at the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her work has received support from a range of funders, including the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust. 


  • Social studies of science and medicine;
  • Politics of knowledge production;
  • Speculative/pragmatist/process philosophies;
  • History of biomedicine;
  • Global health.

Drawing on her medical background and working across science studies, speculative philosophy and medical anthropology, Nele’s research interests lie with medical and scientific practices as objects to study and think with. Her research has engaged a number of empirical areas, including efforts to promote evidence-based healthcare practices and policies in Uganda, interventions to strengthen health systems in sub-Saharan Africa, Covid-19 and pharmaceutical R&D, and Integrative Medicine. Her latest project is titled ‘Rebel Doctors – Expanding Repertoires of Care’ and examines forms of creative subversion, visionary activism and playful experimentation that challenge the boundaries of biomedicine.



  • Introduction to social medicine
  • Key concepts in global health
  • Dissertation


  • Accredited internship module

PhD supervision

Nele is happy to supervise PhD projects related to her areas of expertise.

Further details

See Nele's research profile


    CMP Logo-72dpi
    Culture, Medicine & Power research group

    Delving into the interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

    GHSM Anti Racism Steering Group

    The Anti Racism Steering Group is a staff-student led initiative in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine (GHSM).


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    GHSM undergraduate students completed a paid consultancy with Lambeth council_Summer 2023


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    Dr Ann Kelly, Dr Nele Jensen and Professor Andrew Barry discuss global health and equity as part of the Build Back Better Together essay series.

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    Futuristic streetscape by Utopia Now! competition winner Laura Hack


      CMP Logo-72dpi
      Culture, Medicine & Power research group

      Delving into the interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.

      GHSM Anti Racism Steering Group

      The Anti Racism Steering Group is a staff-student led initiative in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine (GHSM).


      King's students work with London council to evaluate health programmes

      Global Health & Social Medicine BSc students applied their health research skills through a paid consultancy with the Lambeth Council.

      GHSM undergraduate students completed a paid consultancy with Lambeth council_Summer 2023


      A new public health order: engineering vaccine equity

      Dr Ann Kelly, Dr Nele Jensen and Professor Andrew Barry discuss global health and equity as part of the Build Back Better Together essay series.

      G7 Summit Flags

      Utopia Now! Local young people set out their visions for the future

      King’s researchers help young people explore their hopes and fears for the future

      Futuristic streetscape by Utopia Now! competition winner Laura Hack