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Nicholas Sagovsky

Professor Nicholas Sagovsky

Visiting Professor



1982 Cambridge University PhD; 1982-6 Vice-Principal, Edinburgh Theological College; 1986-97 Dean and Director of Studies, Clare College, Cambridge and Affiliated Lecturer Cambridge University; 1997-2002 William Leech Professor of Applied Christian Theology, Newcastle University and Honorary Professor, Durham University; 2002-4 Liverpool Research Professor, Liverpool Hope University College/University; 2004-11 Canon Theologian, Westminster Abbey; 2011- Whitelands Professorial Fellow, Roehampton University

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • Anglican-Roman Catholic Ecumenism
  • Ecclesiology
  • Political and Social Theology
  • Anglicanism
  • Christianity and Literature

Dr. Nicholas Sagovsky's research interests have circled round two areas: Christian ecumenism and social/political theology. He has been a member of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) since 1992. Where the key theme is ecclesiology. However, he believes that Church-based ecumenism will become inward-looking and unfruitful unless it engages with issues of justice. Both themes have in turn led to research about Anglicanism (eg. Richard Hooker) and he maintains a particular interest in Christianity and Literature. His current research is on the early Councils of the Church, the ideology of unanimity and the theory of dialogue (Jürgen Habermas).

Selected publications

  • Ecumenism, Christian Origins and the Practice of Communion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
  • Christian Tradition and the Practice of Justice (London: SPCK, 2008)
  • Ed. with McGrail, P., Together for the Common Good (London: SCM, 2015)
  • Ed. with Denaux, A. and Sherlock, C., Looking Towards a Church Fully Reconciled, The Final Report of the Anglican-
  • Roman Catholic International Commission 1983-2005 (ARCIC II) (London: SPCK, 2016)


Ecclesiology; modern Christian doctrine; Anglicanism; political and social ethics; Christianity and literature.

Expertise and public engagement

Dr. Sagovsky was a Commissioner on the Independent Asylum Commission which reviewed the entire UK asylum system, reporting in 2008 with over 180 recommendations for improvement and thereby playing a key role in the near-ending of the detention of children for immigration purposes. A major interest now is access to university for forced migrants denied access to student finance. He co-founded and continues to work with the Article 26 Project, the main aim of which is to promote access to Higher Education for people who have fled persecution and sought asylum in the UK.