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Nick Sarson

Mr Nick Sarson

Communications Manager


Nick Sarson, communications manager, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London (job shares with Michele Harris-Tafri). 

Nick joined ARC South London team in January 2016, and has more than 17 years’ editorial and communications experience in publishing and higher education. He job shares with Michele Harris-Tafrand together they manage the ARC’s communications channels including the newsletter, blogTwitter account.@ARC_S_L and are developing a new website. They also promote the ARC’s education activities and advise on its wider communications and engagement strategies. Before joining ARC South London, Nick worked at Queen Mary University of London for four years, where he was based in the PR team. He worked on publications, websites, led on the development of a content strategy, and worked on the impact side of the university’s REF 2014 submission. Before this, he worked for Kingston University, developing the university’s brand and communications. Nick enjoys helping academics to communicate the importance of their research to society, and has also offered training on writing opinion pieces.


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.