Olly Newton
Executive Director at The Edge Foundation
Olly is the Executive Director at The Edge Foundation where his job is to understand the latest education research and practice in the UK and worldwide. He gathers together the facts, figures, research and evidence to share with policy makers, practitioners and the media, and is the lead author of Edge’s research and policy reports. Before Edge, he spent ten years with the Department for Education, most recently as Head of Apprenticeship Strategy.
Olly is currently involved in the Opportunity, Equality and Agency in England’s New VET Landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions project.

Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions (Young Lives, Young Futures)
How England's vocational education and training (VET) system could better support the school to work transitions of young people who don’t go to university.
Project status: Ongoing

Opportunity, equality and agency in England's new VET landscape: a longitudinal study of post-16 transitions (Young Lives, Young Futures)
How England's vocational education and training (VET) system could better support the school to work transitions of young people who don’t go to university.
Project status: Ongoing