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Peter Kilroy

Dr Peter Kilroy

Research Associate


Peter Kilroy is a Portfolio Developer in the Humanities and Social Science team at the Wellcome Trust. Prior to that, he was a Cultural Studies Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at City, University of London, and Research Associate and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Menzies Australia Institute, King’s College London.

During his time at King’s, Peter was co-architect of the King’s Indigenous platform, which is a portfolio of strategic partnerships between King’s and Australian HE institutions. Its primary aim is to fund the research, teaching and public engagement activities of Indigenous visiting fellows in the fields of law, education and health. Peter works across the fields of British and Australian Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Indigenous Studies.


  • Cultural Studies
  • Postcolonial Studies
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Race
  • Politics
  • Media
  • Health

His main research interests are in the histories and legacies of colonial, settler-colonial, postcolonial and Indigenous politics, media and health.