Dr Giulio Pugliese
Visiting Research Fellow
Research interests
- International relations
- Politics
- Security
Dr Giulio Pugliese is Departmental Lecturer in Japanese Politics at the University of Oxford, Part-time Professor on EU-Asia Studies at the European University Institute and Senior Fellow (Asia-Pacific) at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). He is an Italian citizen and specialises in great power politics in the Asia-Pacific with a focus on Japan, China and the United States. He has presented at a variety of academic and Track 1.5 venues, and published articles and contributing chapters concerning academic, policy-oriented and commercial themes in Europe, the US and Japan.
He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge and has held visiting scholar positions at the Graduate Research Center for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, at Oxford University (St. Antony’s College), at George Washington University, Washington DC, and at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, where he also completed his M.A. in International Economics and East Asian Studies (with Honors and Distinction).
He sits in the editorial/advisory boards of The International Spectator, Asia Major, Japan Review, and the book series Sicurezza e Politica Internazionale.
Research Interests
- Japanese politics and Japan’s international relations
- Japan-China-US relations
- Europe-Asia relations
- Leadership and foreign policy-making
Books and edited publications:
- Giulio Pugliese, Andrea Fischetti and Michelguglielmo Torri eds. (2022), “US-China Competition, COVID-19, and Democratic Backsliding in Asia”, a special issue of Asia Maior, September. https://www.asiamaior.org/the-journal/16-asia-maior-special-issue-2-2022
- Giulio Pugliese and Alessio Patalano eds. (2020), “Japan’s Changing Diplomatic and Security Practice Under Abe Shinzō” a special issue (original introduction and seven contributions) of The Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 74 (6), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10357718.2020.1781790
- Giulio Pugliese and Aurelio Insisa (2017), Sino-Japanese Power Politics: Might, Money and Minds, London, Palgrave MacMillan, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/978-1-137-59554-6
- [Korean edition (2020): 중일관계: 3M의 권력정치 (Sino-Japanese Relations: 3M Power Politics), Seoul: Myung-in Academic Publishing. (Translated by Prof. Eunbong Choi, Ewha University), https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000001806615]
Book Chapters:
- Giulio Pugliese. (Expected 2024) “Japan’s China Policy: A Blueprint for Transatlantic Players?” in Rogier E. Creemers, Silvia Menegazzi, Neysun A. Mahboubi [eds.] Untitled book project (running theme: transatlantic perspectives on China), London and New York: Routledge.
- Giulio Pugliese. (Expected 2023), “La Grande Strategia indo-pacifica di Abe Shinzō” (Abe Shinzō’s Indo-Pacific Grand Strategy) in Matteo Dian and Emilio Diodato [eds.], Geopolitica dell’Asia Orientale, Roma: Carocci Editore.
- Giulio Pugliese and Thomas Christiansen. (Expected 2023) “EU-Asia relations beyond China and India”, in Mathias Jopp & Johannes Pollak [eds.], The Lackluster Worldpower: the European Union’s Geopolitics, London: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Giulio Pugliese (2022), “Il contenimento statunitense dell’economia cinese” (US containment of the Chinese economy), in Gabriele Natalizia and Andrea Carteny eds. Come difendere l’ordine liberale: La grand strategy americana e il mutamento internazionale, Milano: Vita & Pensiero: 175-84.
- Giulio Pugliese (2018), “Post-Cold War Sino-Japanese Relations and Japan’s China Policy: The Rise of Strategic Realism,” in James D.J. Brown and Jeff Kingston eds. Japan’s International Relations in Asia, London and New York: Routledge: 188-200.
Research articles:
- Corey Wallace and Giulio Pugliese (2023), “Japan 2022: Putin and Abe Shocks Thwart Kishida’s Enjoyment of Three Golden Years Despite Major Defence Overhaul”, Asia Maior, Vol. XXXIII, pp.63-93, https://www.asiamaior.org/
- Giulio Pugliese (2023), ‘The EU & the Indo-Pacific: Death of the Third Way?’, Hérodote, July, Volume 189, Issue 2 (also available in French), https://www.herodote.org/
- Giulio Pugliese, (2023) “The European Union’s Security Intervention in the Indo-Pacific: Between Multilateralism and Mercantile Interests”, Journal of Intervention and State-Building, Vol. 17 (1), pp. 76-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2022.2118425\
- Giulio Pugliese, Francesca Ghiretti & Aurelio Insisa (2022), “Italy's embrace of the Belt and Road Initiative: populist foreign policy and political marketing”, International Affairs, Vol. 98:3 (May) https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiac039
- Aurelio Insisa and Giulio Pugliese (2022), “The Free and Open Indo-Pacific versus the Belt and Road: Spheres of Influence and Sino-Japanese Relations”, The Pacific Review, Vol. 35 (3), pp. 557-85, https://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2020.1862899
Policy papers:
- Giulio Pugliese (2022), 「チーム安倍」が描いたインド太平洋時代の大戦略 (The Indo-Pacific Grand Strategy drawn by “Team Abe”), 『外交』, Vol. 75, Sep/Oct. 2022, pp. 120-7, http://www.gaiko-web.jp/test/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Vol75_p120-127_grand_strategy_of_One_Team_Abe.pdf
- Giulio Pugliese (2021), “La Strategia Europea nell’Indo-Pacifico: genealogia politica, sicurezza marittima, e interessi economici” (Europe’s Strategy for the Indo-Pacific: political genealogy, maritime security and economic interests), Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale: Approfondimento, N. 170, Italian Parliament, pp. 1-23
- Giulio Pugliese (2021), “Il Dialogo di Sicurezza Quadrilaterale nell’Indo-Pacifico” (The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue in the Indo-Pacific), Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale: Focus Euroatlantico Vol. XVII (January-May), Italian Parliament, pp. 37-51.
- Japanese Politics
- Reading Japanese political texts
- East Asian Security
- Europe-Asia Relations
- Strategic Communications in the Asia-Pacific
Research centres and groups
- Oxford University
- European University Institute
- Istituto Affari Internazionali